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Women under High Pressure

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One of the main issues the HP community (and any community) is facing when talking about Women discrimination are awareness and action. What do we do about it?? How can we go active?


Wondering about how women in the High Pressure community feel? We try to keep track of it !

Regarding the Current Protests in Iran

Iranian women are leading a cultural renaissance with massive support from the university students with the rallying cry "Woman, Life, Freedom". University campuses have been at the center of the waves of protest sweeping through Iran, and the academic community of Iran has suffered enormous damage. An increasing number of Iranian students and faculty, who are among the brightest minds of Iran, have been dismissed or suspended and their academic careers damaged. University campuses have a universal standing as places for fostering the free exchange of ideas, including peaceful protests. As scientists, there is a tie that binds us to these students and requires us to protect their right to free speech on campus.

To support these scientists, and help reduce the damage to the scientific community of Iran, please consider encouraging leaders at your place of work (academic institution, scientific institute or other organization) to help, for example, by

  1. Establishing Fellowship Programs to provide scholarships for time-limited research stays.
  2. Facilitating enrolment of academically-qualified students to resume their studies in your institution
  3. By waiving their application fee and providing means to support their education abroad, for example, through work-study programs,
  4. Accepting their fulfilled compatible university credits towards earning a degree in your institution

Once such support programs have been established or are in the final planning stages, please encourage your colleagues to make Iranian scientists they know aware of them.

Survey at AIRAPT, 2019

We distributed the following form to be filled in by volunteers at the AIRAPT.

Here are the answers!

Survey within the database, 2014

We have carried out a survey among women in our database. You can check all the results here.

Keep updated on committes numbers here


EHPRG 2019 in Prague

We had a lively discussion by small groups on Gender issues. Very enlightening!

We have also collected surveys, whose results will be released soon.

And...from now on EHPRG will collect data on the participants ratios!

AIRAPT 2019 in Rio de Janeiro

IUCr 2019 in Viena

Nature Chemistry talks about us on the International Women Day!

Nature Chemistry celebrates the International Women day talking about Women in Science. Thank you!

Here is the article dedicated to our group. Enjoy as much as we did!

EHPRG 2018 in Aveiro

Barcelona 2018

ECM 2018 in Oviedo

18th Januray 2018: Gender Balance Policy for next European Crystallography Meeting
We have developed a Gender Balance Policy for next European Crystallography Meeting. Check it out here

7th September 2017: WHP in Poland !

The WHP group participates at the EHPRG 2017 in Poznan

25th August 2017: WHP in India !

The WHP group participates at the IUCr 2017 in India

2016: WHP in GRC !

The Power Hour at the GRC was a great opportunity for first discussing the situation of women in High Pressure and Science in general. It was a great opportunity. If you missed it, you can download the presentation here