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Women under High Pressure

Diamonds are our best friends


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Veronika Afonina (University of Edinburgh, Centre for Science at Extreme Conditions)

Position: PhD student

Methods: DAC, Raman spectroscopy, synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction

Aims/Systems: synthesis, phase transitions, study of simple molecular systems

Patricia L. Alireza (Quantum Matter, Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge)

Position: research scientist

Methods: Diamond anvil cells for transport and magnetic measurements at low temperatures and high magnetic fields.

Aims/Systems: Scientific endeavour focuses on physical properties of strongly correlated systems through measurements of magnetic susceptibility, magnetisation and transport measurements at high pressures and low temperatures. Development of new techniques for susceptibility and magnetisation measurements under high pressure using diamond anvil cells.

Karen Appel (European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Facility GmbH)

Position: Scientist

Aims/Systems:structure and reactions of rock material under extreme conditions

Methods: X-ray absorption spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, X-ray fluorescence, DAC, dynamic compression

Website: http://www.xfel.eu/organization/staff/appel_karen/index_eng.html

M. Elena Arroyo de Dompablo (Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain)

Position: Associate Professor

Methods: Computational (DFT), Experimental (Belt-type press, Electrochemistry)

Aims/Systems: We study the High Pressure driven structural and electrochemical modifications of cathode materials for Li-ion batteries

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Alessia Bacchi(Department of Chemical Sciences, Life Sciences and Environmental Sustainability, University of Parma, Italy)

Position: Professor, past president of the European Crystallographic Association

Methods: xray diffraction, single crystal and powders

Aims/Systems:chemist, crystallographer

Website: https://www.unipr.it/ugov/person/21095

Naria Maria Balzaretti (Institute of Physics, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)

Position: Professor

Methods: Raman and IR- spectroscopy, DAC

Aims/Systems: carbon materials, diamond, CVD diamond, glasses

Website: http://www.if.ufrgs.br/lapma/

Email: naira@if.ufrgs.br

Christine Beavers (ALS, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, US)

Position: Scientist




Wenli Bi (Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory)

Position: Visiting Spectroscopist

Methods: Diamond anvil cell, synchrotron and conventional Moessbauer spectroscopy, nuclear resonant inelastic x-ray scattering

Aims/Systems: magnetism in rare earth system, magnetism and lattice dynamics in Fe-pnictides

Sananda Biswas (The Abdus Salam International Centre Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy)

Position: Postdoc

Methods: Ab initio calculations at high pressure

Aims/Systems: Hydrides, Metals and simple molecular systems

Ingrid Blanchard (Institut de Physique du Globe, Paris)

Position: postdoc

Methods: high pressure-temperature experiments using piston-cylinder and diamond anvil cells. Metal-silicate partitioning experiments.

Aims/Systems: Earth differentiation and its conditions of accretion. High pressure-temperature experiments using piston-cylinder and diamond anvil cells. Behavior of volatile and siderophile elements during Earth differentiation.

Silvia Boccato (IMPMC, France)

Position: Research Engineer

Methods: laser heated diamond-anvil cell, X-ray diffraction, X-ray absorption, picosecond acoustics.

Aims/Systems: liquid properties, sound velocity/Iron alloys.

Email: silvia.boccato at upmc.fr

Tiziana Boffa Ballaran (Bayerisches Geoinstitut, University of Bayreuth)

Position: Senior researcher

Methods: Diamond anvil cell, single-crystal X-ray diffraction and spectroscopy

Aims/Systems: Elasticity of Earth's and Planetary materials

Elena Boldyreva (Institute of Solid State Chemistry and Mechanochemistry Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk)

Position: Chief Researcher, Professor

Methods: Single-crystal and powder diffraction, Raman and IR- spectroscopy, theoretical calculations

Aims/Systems: Molecular crystals, biomimetics, materials, solid materials

Websites: www.solid.nsc.ru and htt.nsu.ru

Eglantine Boulard (Synchrotron SOLEIL, France)

Position: Postdoc

Methods: laser heated diamond-anvil cell, multi-anvil, synchrotron radiation, Raman and Infrared spectroscopy.

Aims/Systems: Deep Earth material, formation and evolution of the Earth.

Livia Eleonora Bove (CNRS, Sorbonne Universites, UPMC, Paris, France)

Position: Full researcher at CNRS, HdR

Methods: Neutron Scattering, Synchroton Radiation, Raman Scattering

Aims/Systems: Structure and dynamics of water, salty ices, ice clathrates. Polyamorphism, phase transitions, hydrogen bond networks

Website: http://www.impmc.upmc.fr/fr/recherche/physique_des_systemes_simples_en_conditions_extremes_physix/liste_des_membres/livia_bove.html

Jodie Bradby (The Research School of Physics and Engineering at The Australian National University)

Position: Professor

Methods: Nanoindentation, DACs, Raman spectroscopy, X-ray powder diffraction

Aims/Systems: Synthesis, phase transitions in Si, Ge and Carbon.

Website: https://physics.anu.edu.au/eme/people/profile.php?ID=109

Pamela C. Burnley (University of Nevada, Las Vegas)

Position: Professor

Methods: Multi anvil apparatus (DDIA), piston cylinder (Griggs apparatus), synchrotron X-ray diffraction, SEM/EBSD

Aims/Systems: Geoscience, phase transformations, deformation of rocks and minerals at high pressure

Website: https://geoscience.unlv.edu/people/department-faculty/pamela-c-burnley

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Ana Isabel Casado Gomez(Instituto de Geociencias, CSIC-UCM)

Position: PhD student

Methods: Raman spectroscopy, XRD and crystallography

Aims/Systems: Carbonates and geologycal materials

Amrita Chakraborti (IMPMC, Sorbonne Universite)

Position:Position: Post-doctoral researcher

Methods:Methods: Large Volume Press, DAC, Raman spectroscopy, powder X-ray diffraction (synchrotron and ex-situ)

Aims/Systems: synthesis, phase transitions in the B-C-Si system

Dr Usha Chandra (High Pressure Physics Lab., Department of Physics, University of Rajasthan,Jaipur 302004 India)

Position: Prof. (Retd). Presently UGC Emeritus Fellow, CSIR Emeritus Scientist ( Completed)

Methods: Experimental- High pressure Mossbauer Studies using Diamond anvil cell on Fe-Based materials ( synthetic systems, Natural minerals, meteorites)

Aims/Systems: To study various phase transitions, impact pressure on meteorites.

Email: chandrausha49@yahoo.in, ushac6807@gmail.com

Irina Chuvashova (Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Science)

Position: Postdoctoral Fellow

Methods: diamond anvil cells, toroidal press, multi-anvil apparatus, laser heating, X-ray diffraction (synchrotron and in-house, single-crystal and powder), Raman spectroscopy, optical studies

Aims/Systems: phase transitions under high pressures and high temperatures, complex structure determination, light elements, current project: thermal conductivity of minerals in DACs

Website: https://sites.google.com/view/irinachuvashova/home

Margherita Citroni (LENS - European Laboratory for Non-Linear Spectroscopy)

Position: Assistant Professor at University of Florence (Department of Chemistry) and researcher at LENS, Florence

Methods: Static pressure (diamond or sapphire anvil cell), spectroscopy , ultrafast spectroscopy

Aims/Systems: dynamics and reactivitity of simple molecular systems

Julia Contreras-Garcia (CNRS, Sorbonne Universites, UPMC, Paris, France)

Position: Senior researcher at CNRS, HdR

Methods: Quantum Chemistry, Topological analysis, Chemical bonding theories.

Aims/Systems: Description of bonding in first and second order phase transitions, Exotic Bonding Patterns, Polymorphs.

Website: www.lct.jussieu.fr/pagesperso/contrera

Helene Couvy (Washington University in St louis, US)

Position: Research Engineer

Methods: Multi-anvil, piston cylinder, large volume torsion apparatus, electron microscopies (SEM, EBSD, TEM)

Aims/systems: Experimental study of planetary materials, Physical and chemical properties of upper mantle minerals

Website: http://espm.wustl.edu/

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Isabelle Daniel (Laboratoire de Geologie de Lyon, Universite Lyon1, Lyon, France)

Position: Professor

Methods: X-ray diffraction and spectroscopy, Raman and infrared spectroscopy

Aims/Systems: Petrology of planetary interiors, with focus of fluid-rock interactions for the habitability of planetary bodies of various size. Sometimes microbes under pressure to assess the intrinsic limits of life.

Shanti Deemyad (Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Utah, USA)

Position: Associate Professor

Methods: Static high pressure methods, Diamond anvil cell

Aims/Systems: Quantum matter under extreme conditions, High pressure synthesis, Phase diagrams, High pressure methods

Website: http://www.physics.utah.edu/~deemyad/

Elena del Corro (J Heyrovsky Institute of Chemical Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic)

Position: Postdoc

Methods: Gem anvil cell, Raman, photoluminescence, AFM, SEM.

Aims/Systems: Bidimensional materials: graphene, transition metal dichalcogenides, phosphorene.

Sylvie Demouchy (Géosciences Montpellier CNRS & Université Montpellier 2)

Position: Associate prof (CR1 CRNS)

Methods: Paterson Press, piston-cylinder, multi-anvils, TZM

Aims/Systems: Deep Earth mineralogy, plastic deformation and ionic diffusion, Hydrogen in silicates.

Website: http://www.gm.univ-montp2.fr/spip/spip.php?article773

Email: demouchy@um2.fr

Susannah Dorfman (Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA)

Position: Assistant Professor

Methods: laser-heated diamond anvil cell, synchrotron X-ray diffraction and spectroscopy, focused ion beam, transmission electron microscope

Aims/Systems: Chemistry and physical properties of materials in Earth and planetary interiors

Website: https://glg.natsci.msu.edu/people/faculty/dorfman-susannah/

Leora E. Dresselhaus-Cooper (LLNL, Physics Division)

Position: Lawrence Postdoctoral Fellow

Methods: X-ray and optical characterization, ultrafast imaging, image-processing method-development

Research/Aims: Studying dynamic plasticity in solids under extreme conditions. Ultrafast characterization of dynamic compression.>

Natalia Dubrovinskaia (Laboratory of Crystallography, University of Bayreuth, Germany)

Position: University Professor, Heisenberg Professor

Methods: X-ray and neutron diffraction, spectroscopy, DAC and LVP techniques, etc.

Aims/Systems: high-pressure synthesis of novel inorganic materials including nanocrystalline materials with advanced mechanical properties; development of new scientific instruments for high and ultra-high pressure and temperature generation; application of the synchrotron radiation and neutron diffraction in materials science and solid-state physics/ Boron and carbon materials, nanodiamonds, oxides; superconductors, semiconductors, and other novel inorganic materials.

Website: http://www.academia-net.org/profil/prof-dr-dr-h-c-natalia-dubrovinskaia/1196144

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Francesca Fabbiani (Dept. Crystallography, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany)

Position: Junior research group leader

Methods: X-ray diffraction, DAC, in situ crystallisation

Aims/Systems: Polymorphism, crystallisation and phase transitions of molecular crystals

Website: http://hiprcryst.uni-goettingen.de/

Naomi Falsini (LENS - European Laboratory for Non-Linear Spectroscopy)

Position: PhD student at LENS, Florence

Methods: Static pressure (diamond or sapphire anvil cell), spectroscopy, ultrafast spectroscopy, laser heating

Aims/Systems: phase transitions, dynamics and reactivity of simple molecular systems

Satari Faneti(Sharit University of technology)

Position: ?

Methods: crystallography and theoretical study

Xiaolei Feng(Cambgridge University)

Position: PhD student

Aims/Systems: Materials physics of Earth and planetary materials. Structure – property relations of minerals and solids under extreme pressure and temperature conditions: design and prediction of minerals and materials structure using density functional theory and crystal structure prediction. Applications of artificial intelligence and machine learning to Earth and environmental risk.

Sarah Finnegan(Centre for Science at Extreme Conditions, The University of Edinburgh)

Position: PhD


Aims/Systems:lanthanides and actinides at high pressures and temperatures

Rebecca Fischer (Smithsonian NMNH and UCSC)

Position: Postdoctoral Fellow (Smithsonian NMNH and UCSC), Assistant Professor (Harvard, starting 2017)

Methods: laser-heated diamond anvil cell, synchrotron X-ray diffraction, focused ion beam, electron microscopy, planetary modeling

Aims/Systems: composition and formation of the lower mantle and core (on Earth, and also other terrestrial planets); links between accretion/differentiation processes and planetary chemistry

Websites: http://mineralsciences.si.edu/share/fischer/ and http://eps.harvard.edu/people/rebecca-fischer

Alexandra Friedrich (Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Wuerzburg, Germany)

Position: Senior researcher

Methods: Single-crystal and powder diffraction, Raman- and UV-VIS-spectroscopy, laser heating, diamond anvil cell

Aims/Systems: Structure-property relations at high pressure: phase transitions, electronic and steric distortions of cation coordinations, high spin-to-low spin transitions, hydrogen bonding (minerals, oxides, metal-organic frameworks, molecular structures); high-p,T synthesis and stability of novel materials (nitrides, carbides).

Karen Friese (Jülich Centre for Neutron Science-2, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Germany)

Position: Senior scientist

Methods: Single-crystal and powder diffraction using laboratory X-ray, Synchrotron and neutron sources, magnetic properties under high pressure

Aims/Systems: correlated electron systems under high pressure, multiparametric studies (temperature, pressure, composition), magnetocaloric materials, mixed-valence systems and charge order, ternary fluorides, twinning, pseudosymmetry, crystal chemistry and group-subgroup relations

Sindy Fuhrmann (Institute of Glass Science and Technology, TU Bergakademie Freiberg; Freiberg High-Pressure Research Center)

Position: Assistant Professor

Methods: Methods: high-temperature high-pressure synthesis; in-situ analysis; structure characterization (spectroscopy, diffraction/scattering); DAC; LVP (partners at TUBAF); dynamic compression shock (partners at TUBAF)

Aims/Systems: amorphous materials and glasses

Websites: Link1

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Alka B. Garg (Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Department of Atomic Energy, India))

Position:Senior scientist

Methods: HP-XRD, Raman and electrical transport technique

Aims/Systems: Frame structured compounds under high pressure

Arianna Gleason (LANL / SLAC / Stanford University)

Position: Reines Postdoctoral Fellow

Methods: laser driven shock, diamond-anvil cell, optical & x-ray spectroscopy, xFEL, XRD

Aims/Systems: Measure elastic/plastic properties of materials at extreme conditions; planetary cores and evolution

Bérengère Guignon (Facultad de Ciencias Químicas, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain)

Position: Postdoc

Methods: Large-volume high-pressure equipment to 700 MPa, Prototype high-pressure probes for liquids, Modelling.

Aims/Systems: Thermophysical properties of liquids, In situ characterization by ultrasounds, Food processing, Aqueous systems, Micelles, Caseins, Oils, Gels.

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Bianca Haberl(Chemical and Engineering Materials Division, Neutron Sciences Directorate, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, USA )

Position: Chemical and Engineering Materials Division, Neutron Sciences Directorate, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, USA

Methods: In situ high pressure X-ray and neutron scattering in a DAC, unusual high pressure techniques (indentation, laser-induced microexplosions), characterization techniques for amorphous structures.

Aims/Systems: Synthesis of novel functional metastable Group IV polymorphs (C, Si, Ge) under extreme conditions, from amorphous precursors in a DAC or from crystalline precursors by unusual high pressure methods.

Website: https://neutrons.ornl.gov/contacts/haberlb

Rachael Hazael(Chemistry Department, University College London)

Position: Postdoc

Methods: Paris- Edinburgh, Multianvil, Piston cylinder and DAC, and in situ characterisation tools (raman, various optical microscopy techniques and synchrotron and neutron sources).

Aims/Systems: biological systems under extreme conditions.

Website: https://iris.ucl.ac.uk/iris/browse/profile?upi=RHAZA85

Irene Herrero Ansorregui(Inorganic I Department, University Complutense of Madrid UCM)

Position: PhD student

Methods: Experimental: high pressure synthesis and oxidation of materials (Belt and Conac presses)

Aims/Systems: magnetic and superconducting cuprates with "1212" structure. Oxidation with potassium chlorate

Megan Holycross (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)

Position: PhD student

Methods: piston cylinder, LA-ICP-MS, EPMA

Aims/systems: understanding kinetic phenomena in Earth systems through high-temperature, high-pressure experiments

Rachel Husband(Department of physics, Harvard University

Position: Postdoc

Methods: Diamond-anvil cells, laser heating, x-ray diffraction, optical studies

Aims/systems: Plasma phase transition in hydrogen at high pressures and high temperatures, complex structure determination

Larissa Huston (Los Alamos National Laboratory)

Position: Postdoc

Methods: dynamic diamond anvil cell, powder diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy, focused ion beam

Aims/systems: Titanium, silicon, germanium, uranium intermetallic compounds

Website: Link

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D.S.Jayalakshmi (Sathyabama University, Chnnai, Tamil Nadu, India)

Position: Assistant Professor

Methods:DFT, ab-initio calculation, WIEN2k code

Aims/Systems: To study the structural, electronic, magnetic, mechanical, fermi surface and bonding properties of '122' compounds at ambient condition and at pressure.

Bibiana Juan Godoy (Centre Especial de Recerca Planta de Tecnologia dels Aliments, CERPTA, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)

Position: Assistant Professor

Methods: Food Technology.

Aims/Systems: Use of high pressure in order to accelerate or stop the ripening of cheeses. HHP on food products. Physic-chemical and organoleptic changes, microbial lethality.

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Agata Kaminska (Group of High-Pressure Spectroscopy, Division of Physics and Technology of Wide-Band-Gap Semiconductor Nanostructures, Institute of Physics of Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland)

Position: Associate Professor

Methods: Diamond anvil cells for photoluminescence, time resolved photoluminescence, and absorption measurements at liquid helium to room temperatures.

Aims/Systems: High-pressure spectroscopy of transition metal and rare earth ions dopants, optical properties of semiconductors, high-pressure spectroscopy of low-dimensional semiconductor structures and thin films, properties of solid state laser materials. Development of new techniques for transport measurements at low temperatures under high pressure using diamond anvil cells.

Abby Kavner (Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences Department University of California, Los Angeles)

Position: Professor

Website: http://akavner.bol.ucla.edu

Panpan Kong(Max-Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany)

Position: Postdoc

Methods: DAC

Aims/Systems: Electrical property and Raman spectra of Hydrogen and Hydride study under extreme high pressure

Hadda Krarcha (University of Batna2, Earth sciences and Univers Institute Algeria)

Position: PhD

Methods: ab inition calculation, synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction

Aims/Systems: Computational (DFT), physical properties of materials , perovskite structures

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Vanessa Labet (Sorbonne Universites, UPMC, Paris, France)

Position: Assistant Professor

Methods: Quantum Chemistry (DFT)

Aims/Systems: Evolution of chemical bonds under constraint (isotropic pressure, uniaxial tensile strain), Polymerization of molecular solids under pressure, Solid hydrogen.

Barbara Lavine(University of Nevada las Vegas)

Position: Scientist

Methods: Diffraction

Aims/Systems: oxides, carbonates radioactive

Sylvie Le Floch (Institut Lumière Matière, CNRS & Université Lyon 1, France)

Position: Research Engineer, CNRS/Technical Director of PLECE (Lyon Platform for Experimentation in Extreme Conditions)

Methods: Materials synthesis under extreme conditions using large volume presses. Development of specific high pressure cells for in situ measurements (XRD, EXAFS, SAXS, SANS).

Aims/Systems: Carbon, intermetallic and oxide materials, superconductors, thermoelectrics, porous materials.

Website: http://ilm.univ-lyon1.fr/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=525&act=337&lang=2

Email: sylvie.le-floch@univ-lyon1.fr

Kanani K. M. Lee (Department of Geology & Geophysics, Yale University)

Position: Associate Professor

Methods: Laser-heated diamond-anvil cell

Aims/Systems: primarily Earth and planetary materials, some superhard materials

Website: http://people.earth.yale.edu/profile/kanani-lee/about

Xiao-Di Liu ( Institute of Solid State Physics,Chinese Academy of Science, Hefei, China)

Position: Associate Professor

Methods: Raman Spectra , Diamond Anvil Cell

Aims/Systems: hydrogen and mixtures at high pressures

Email: xiaodi@issp.ac.cn

Website: here

Xiaojiao Liu (School of Chemistry/ Extreme Conditions Physics and the Centre for Science at Extreme Conditions (CSEC), University of Edinburgh)

Position: PhD student

Methods: DAC, synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction, single-crystal X-ray diffraction, and Raman spectroscopy.

Aims/Systems: biodiesel and its typical components -- methyl stearate and methyl palmitate.

Estelina Lora da Silva (Instituto de Diseno para la Fabricacion y Produccion Automatizada, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain))

Position: Marie Sklodowska-Curie individual Fellowship

Methods: Density functional theory, Many-body perturbation theory,Lattice dynamics, Molecular dynamics

Aims/Systems: Sesquichalcogenides under extreme conditions (high pressure and temperature)

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Miriam Marques(University of Edinburgh, UK)

Position: Postdoc

Methods: computational physics and chemistry

Aims/Systems: crystals

Helen Maynard-Casely (Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, Australia)

Position: Instrument Scientist

Methods: Neutron and synchrotron diffraction, Paris-Edinburgh cell and DAC

Aims/Systems: Interiors of small icy moons (Titan and Europa) and icy giants (Uranus and Neptune).

Website: http://www.ansto.gov.au/ResearchHub/StaffProfiles/MAYNARD-CASELY-HELEN

Marinela Miclau (National Institute for Research and Development in Electrochemistry and Condensed Matter, Timisoara, Romania)

Position: Head of Condensed Matter Department, Senior Researcher

Methods: X-ray diffraction, UV-VIS-NIR spectroscopy, XPS.

Aims/Systems: Synthesis of nano, micro and single crystals by hydrothermal method (subcritical and supercritical conditions).

Website: http://www.incemc.ro

Email: marinela.miclau@gmail.com

Virginia Monteseguro Padron (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble, France)

Position: Post-Doc

Methods: X-ray diffraction, x-ray absorption and ab initio DFT calculations

Aims/Systems: Structural, electronic, elastic and dynamical properties of materials and nanomaterials at extreme conditions.

Montserrat Mor-Mur (Veterinary school, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain)

Position: Full Professor

Methods: Food Technology

Aims/Systems: HHP of foods of animal origin. Physic-chemical and organoleptic changes, microbial lethality

Carole Morrison (School of Chemistry, University of Edinburgh, UK)

Position: Reader

Methods: DFT, Ab initio Molecular Dynamics

Aims/Systems: Molecular crystals, metal organic frameworks, energetic materials

Website: http://www.chem.ed.ac.uk/staff/academic-staff/dr-carole-morrison

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Pavla Novotna (Food Research Institute Prague, public research institute)

Position: scientific worker

Aims/Systems: influence of high pressure treatment on food, high pressure unit with chamber 2 litres volume, texturometer, rheometers, DSC, Minolta color-meter.

Website: http://www.vupp.cz

Maribel Nuñez-Valdes(GFZ-postdam)

Position: Scientist staff

Methods: physics DFT materials

Aims/Systems: functional materials, multiferroics thermoelecrics, minerals

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Anna Olejniczak (Department of Materials Chemistry, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland)

Position: scientist

Methods: diamond-anvil cell, single-crystal x-ray diffraction

Aims/system: small organic molecules, organic relaxors and ferroelectrics, NHN hydrogen bonds

Website: hpc.amu.edu.pl

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Silvia Pandolfi(Sorbonne Université Paris, IMPMC)

Position: PhD student

Methods: Paris-Edinburgh and Multi-anvil synthesis, Powder XRD (synchrotron and ex-situ), Raman Spectroscopy, Transmisison Electron Microscopy, Photoluminescence Spectroscopy

Aims/Systems: synthesis of new Si-based materials for advanced optoelectronic applications; si phase diagram, Clathrates, photovoltaic technology

Sakura Pascarelli(European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble, France)

Position: Head of the Matter at Extremes Group

Methods: X-ray absorption spectroscopy and X-ray magnetic circular dichroism

Aims/Systems: local and electronic structure in melts, correlation between structure and magnetism

Miriam Peña Alvarez(University of Edinburgh, CSEC)

Position: Postdoc

Methods: Experimental: static high pressure, DAC, SAC, MAC, Raman spectroscopy, FTIR, Absorption and emission. Computational: density functional theory

Aims/Systems: Hydrogen, hydrides, diatomic molecules, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, Graphite, graphene, carbon nanotubes, and Layered materials.

Concepcion Perez Lamela (Analytical Chemistry and Food Science Dept., Campus of Ourense, University of Vigo, Spain)

Position: Profesora Titular de Universidad (Associate Professor)

Methods: Spectrophotometric, Chromatographic, Microbial and Sensory analysis (by instruments and panel/consumers)

Aims/Systems: Aims/Systems: quality of pressurized food products, enzyme activities and minor/functional components in foods, High Pressure Processing lab equipment

Judith Peters(UGA + LiPhy + ILL, Grenoble/France)

Position: Professor

Methods: Neutron Scattering Spectroscopy (Dynamics and Structure of bio-molecules)

Aims/Systems: Adaptation of biosystems to high pressure environment, dynamical and structural modifications under pressure, response to various extreme environment conditions, dynamics of water under pressure.

Vittoria Pischedda (Institut Lumière Matière, Université Lyon1 et CNRS, France)

Position: Assistant Professor

Methods: neutron and synchrotron X-ray scattering, Raman spectroscopy, diamond anvil cell, large volume cell.

Aims/Systems: Structural, electronic and elastic properties of materials under extreme conditions, intercalated carbon materials.

Isabel Povedano(University of Edinburgh, CSEC)

Position: PhD

Methods: High-pressure instrumentation development and resonant x-ray scattering. Diamond anvil cells.

Aims/Systems: High pressure in 5d systems and weak correlations (magnetic, charge and orbital ordering).

Olga Prieto-Ballesteros(Department of Planetology and Habitability. Centro de Astrobiología-INTA-CSIC. Madrid. Spain)

Position: Head of Department. Full researcher at INTA

Methods: Large-volume high-pressure equipment to 1 GPa

Aims/Systems: Planetary simulation of high pressure environments. Aqueous systems under pressure.

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Silvana Radescu Cioranescu (Dpto. Física, Inst. Materiales y Nanotecnología, Universidad de La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain)

Position: Profesora Titular de Universidad (Associate Professor)

Methods: First-principles theoretical calculations within DFT.

Aims/Systems: Structural, electronic, dynamical and elastic properties of materials under pressure.

Selva Vennila Raju (Department of Mechanical and Materials Engg., Florida International University, Miami, Florida, USA)

Position: Research Assistant Professor, Senior Researcher

Methods: In-situ X-ray scattering, Raman, Fluorescence, Optical absorption, Brillouin, Laser and Resistive heating.in DAC

Aims/Systems: Experimental Solid state Physics; Structural, elastic and optical properties of materials under extreme conditions

Cornelia Rauh (TU Berlin; Institute of Food Biotechnology and Food Process Engineering

Position: Professor

Methods: High pressure in food and bio science

Aims/Systems: bio thermo fluid dynamical effects during high pressure processing

Vanessa Riffet(Sorbonne Universites, UPMC, Paris, France)

Position: Postdoc

Methods: Quantum chemistry, NCI topological tool

Aims/Systems: Modeling polymerization under high-pressure, solid hydrogen

Maria Dolores Robustillo Fuentes(University of Sao Paulo, Department of Chemical Engineering)

Position: Postdoc Researcher

Methods: High Pressure microcalorimetry

Aims/Systems: phase diagram, equilibrium properties, polymorphism, flow assurance in crude oil pipelines, phase equilibrium of biodiesel, natural gas storage and CO2 capture by gas hydrate technology.

Plácida Rodríguez Hernández(Dpto Física, Inst. Materiales y Nanotecnología, Universidad de La Laguna, Tenerife, Islas Canarias. España)

Position: Associate Professor (Prof. Titular Universidad)

Methods: Solid State Physics and Materials from ab initio DFT.

Aims/Systems: Structural, Electronic, Dynamical and Elactic properties of materials and nanomaterials under extreme conditions.

Daniela Russo (CNR/IOM , Italy and ILM University Lyon 1, Lyon, France)

Position: Senior researcher, National Council of Science, Italy

Methods: Neutron Scattering Spectroscopy (Dynamics and Structure of bio-molecules), large volume cell adapted to large scale facilities and biomolecules in solution.

Aims/Systems: Dynamics of hydration water, hydrogen bonding network, structure and dynamics of bio-molecules (from protein model to photosynthetic complex). Properties of bio-molecules under nano-confinement and polymer bio-compatibility.

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Alba San Jose Mendez (High pressure Area of Planetary Geology Department in Astrobiology Center-INTA-CSIC)

Position: PhD Student

Methods: Experimental simulation of high pressure and low temperature planetary environments/ Raman spectroscopy/ High pressure chamber/ Sapphire Anvil Cells.

Aims/systems: Jupiter's icy moons, MgSO4-CO2-H2O system as an approach of Europa's ocean composition, clathrate-salt hydrates-water ice assemblage, textures, thermodynamic, geological activity induced by the presence of clathrates.

Carmen Sanchez-Valle(University of Munster, Germany)

Position: Professor

Methods: Brillouin/Raman; XANES/EXAFS; SXRF; 3D-XRD; Radial XRD; Mossbauer; NIS; DAC; Paris-Edinburgh press

Aims/Systems: Elasticity and plasticity of deep Earth materials; high pressure fluids/melts; planetary icesElasticity and plasticity of deep Earth materials; high pressure fluids/melts; planetary ices

Website: https://www.uni-muenster.de/Mineralogie/en/personen/sanchezvalle.shtml

Hana Scepankova(University of Aveiro in Portugal)

Position: PhD student

Methods: HPLC, LC/MS, spectroscopy UV and FTIR and several physicochemical determinations methods.

Aims/Systems: improvement of bioactivity of natural products by high pressure techonology.

Anat Shahar(Geophysical Laboratory Carnegie Institution of Washington)

Position: Staff Scientist

Methods: Piston cylinder, Multi-anvil, diamond anvil cell , NRIXS, MC-ICPMS

Aims/Systems: To study the mechanisms responsible for high temperature and pressure isotope fractionation, solar system formation

Website: https://www.gl.ciw.edu/static/users/ashahar/Anat_Shahars_Website/Welcome.html

Alexandra Sinclair(Department of Geosiences, Stony Brook University, NY, USA)

Position: Postdoc

Methods: Multi Anvil, piston cylinder, in situ extreme conditions diffraction, high-pressure synthesis

Aims/Systems: Synthesis of metal oxides and metal oxynitridies as functional materials. Currently focusing on water-splitting photocatalysts

Rini Singh (Banasthali University, Rajasthan, India)

Position: PhD student

Aims/Systems: High Pressure magnetotransport Studies of Bismuth based chalcogenide topological Insulators.

Niki Sorogas (Physics Department, Section of Solid State Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece)

Position: Ph.D. Student

Methods: Raman Spectroscopy, membrane DACs & Mao-Bell type, High Pressure instrumentation, mechanical exfoliation

Aims/Systems: Aims/Systems: Optical spectroscopy and High Pressure studies,Transition Metal Dichalcogenides, 2D crystals

Edit Székely(Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, Budapest, Hungary )

Position: Associate professor

Methods: Enantioseparation, kinetic resolution, extraction, crystallization and more.

Aims/Systems: Various applications of supercritical fluids, mainly carbon dioxide.

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Elodie Tailleur(ICMB_CNRS, University of Bordeaux)

Position: PhD student

Methods: Difraction crystallography (PXRD and SCXRD)

Mercedes Taravillo (Department of Physical Chemistry, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain)

Position: Associate Professor

Methods: Raman Spectroscopy, diamond anvil cell.

Aims/Systems: We study carbon-based systems (carbon nanotubes, carbon nanohorns, graphite, aromatic molecules) under extreme conditions, using Raman spectroscopy as diagnostic tool.

Sally June Tracy(ton University)

Position: Postdoc

Methods: Dynamic compression, DAC, XRD and Mössbauer

Aims/Systems: Crystallography in extreme environments. Time-resolved XRD to study crystallographic transformations during dynamic compression.

Website: www.sallyjunetracy.com

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Rosario Vilaplana Cerdá(Dpto Applyed Physics, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia)

Position: Professor

Methods: Raman, powder diffraction, synchrotron, optic absorption.

Aims/Systems: topological insulators and other materials with interesting properties.

Lidunka Vocadlo(Department of Earth Sciences, UCL, London, UK)

Position: Professor

Methods: Ab initio simulations

Aims/Systems: Earth's core and terrestrial planetary cores

Website: http://www.es.ucl.ac.uk/people/lidunka

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Eva Zurek(Department of Chemistry, University of Buffalo)

Position: Associate Professor

Methods: first principles calculations

Aims/Systems: In our research group we study the electronic structure, properties, and reactivity of molecules, nanosystems, and solids - whether they be inorganic or organic - using the computational approaches of quantum chemistry, and band structure methods. We also aim to predict hitherto unknown materials with fascinating properties.

Website: http://www.acsu.buffalo.edu/~ezurek/

This project is handled by Julia Contreras (website) and Miriam Peña (social networks)