The FORTRAN sources, the Makefiles and he Pdf and  PostScript file of the manual are in the dataset: TopMoD
The on line version of the manual is also available.
To compile execute the following instructions:

Each program performs a specific task: The wave function is read from a wfn file created by Gaussian94 or by GAMESS   In output top_grid and top_bas write the fichiers _elf.sbf and _bas.sbf file. The bas_to_syn program create the _syn.sbf file from the _bas.sbf one. This dataset constains the point grid assignment in terms of basin types and is used to visualize the results.

A perl sript written by Dr. Alex Clark enables an automatic use of top_grid.

The _elf.sbf  and _bas.sbf files  (binary) are converted to be read by the visualization software.

  Visualization realized with SciAN Scian uses the stf format . The conversion program is sbf_to_stf. SciAn requires the GL graphical library distributed by Silicon Graphics.Unfortunately SciAn is no longer distributed however you can download a pretty old version here scian110.tar.gz

Visualization realized with Vis5D
Vis5D can be run on a PC under Linux. To get the fortran source of the sbf Vis5D interface just click here.