The nature of the hydrogen bond from real space analyses
Prof. A. M. Pendás
Universidad de Oviedo, Espagne
Mercredi, 29 février 2012, 11h00
The interacting quantum atoms approach (IQA) is applied to simple hydrogen
bonded dimers. IQA [1,2] is a real space energy decomposition scheme fully
compatible with the quantum theory of atoms in molecules.
It provides a partition of every physical term present in the Hamiltonian
into atomic and interatomic terms [3]. The procedure is orbital-free and
self-contained, needing neither external references nor artificial
intermediate states. According to IQA, there is no incompatibility between
the prevalent electrostatic image of hydrogen bonded systems and that
favoring important covalent contributions.
Depending on how we gather the many different energetic terms, we may recover
electrostatic or covalent pictures from the same underlying quantum mechanical
description. Our results show that the non-classical contributions to hydrogen
bonding are spatially localized, involving only the H atom and its two nearest
neighbors. IQA may be also used to compare with other widely used decomposition
schems. Such a comparison sheds some light on the virtues and faults of the
different methods, and as well on the origin of the 50 years old debate
regarding the covalent/electrostatic nature of the hydrogen bond [4].
[1] A. Martín Pendás, M. A. Blanco, and E. Francisco, J. Chem. Phys., 120, 4581 (2004).
[2] A. Martín Pendás, E. Francisco, and M. A. Blanco, J. Comput. Chem., 26, 344
(2005) .
[3] M. A. Blanco, A. Martín Penás, and E. Francisco, J. Chem. Theory Comput. 1,
1096, (2005).
[4] A. Martín Penás, M. A. Blanco, and E. Francisco, J. Chem. Phys., 125, 184112