Random-phase approximation correlation methods including exchange interactions

Dr. A. Hesselmann, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Allemagne

Lundi 11 juin à 11 h, bibliothèque LCT, tour 12-13, 4e étage

It is known that the (direct) RPA method considerably overestimates electron correlation energies of molecules due to the neglect of higher order exchange contributions. Therefore, in order to correct this self-correlation error of RPA, exchange terms have to be accounted for. Unfortunately there is no unique way to do this and so, in this talk, a number of different approaches will be presented to improve the RPA method by adding exchange contributions in various ways. It will be shown that some of these approaches considerably improve on direct RPA for a number of properties if a Kohn-Sham reference determinant is used. In contrast to this, if the RPA method is based on a Hartree-Fock reference determinant, clear improvements for reaction energies and intermolecular interactions are observed if particle-particle and hole-hole interactions are included that commonly are missing in standard RPA methods.