ELF and chemical bonding in intermetallic compounds

Yuri Grin, MPI for Chemical Physics of Solids, Dresde, R.F.A.
e-mail: grin@cpfs.mpg.de

Jeudi 10 mai 2001, 11h00
Caused by the strongly application impressed development of the knowledge on intermetallic compounds, the understanding of their nature fell behind. We still can not definitely answer important questions, why the intermetallic compounds form only at distinct compositions, why and under which conditions they build homogeneity ranges and finally why some structural motifs are extremely stable and can be often found among the intermetallics, while others appear very rare. One reason for this situation is surely insufficient knowledge about chemical bonding in intermetallic compounds, because the common bond models prefer either a ionic-covalent or a metallic interpretation of the bonding situation. Recently, the Electron-Localization-Function (ELF) is going to be developed to a useful quantum-chemical tool for investigation of the problem of the directed bond formation in compounds with typically metallic physical properties (conductivity, lustre, magnetism). The efforts and problems of the use of ELF for the description of the chemical bonding in intermetallic compounds are discussed on examples from different compound groups: clathrates, binary compounds of transition metals and some rare earth metals phases.