Bonded Exciplexes: A Fruitful Collaboration between Experiment and Theory

Professor Joseph Dinocenzo
Department of Chemistry, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627-0216, USA

Lundi, 11 octobre 2010,
11h00 Salle RAPHAEL 2&3
site d Ivry-sur-Seine

Charge-transfer quenching of the singlet excited states of cyanoaromatic electron acceptors by pyridine is characterized by a driving force dependence that resembles those of conventional electron-transfer reactions, except that a plot of the log of the quenching rate constants vs. the free energy of electron transfer is displaced toward the endothermic region by 0.5-0.8 eV. The reactions therefore display rapid quenching even when conventional electron transfer is highly endothermic. No long-lived ion radicals or exciplex intermediates can be detected for the quenching reactions on the picosecond to microsecond time scale. The reactions are proposed to instead proceed through formation of a previously unrecognized, short-lived charge-transfer intermediate we call a "bonded exciplex". The bonded exciplex can be formally thought of as resulting from bond formation between the unpaired electrons of the ion radicals A-- and D+-. The bonding interaction significantly lowers the energy of the charge-transfer state. As a result of this interaction, the energy decreases with decreasing separation distance and, near van der Waals contact, the charge transfer configuration (A--D+) mixes with the repulsive excited state of the acceptor (A* + D) allowing efficient charge transfer reaction even when formation of A-- and D+- is thermodynamically forbidden. Experimental and computational evidence for the formation of bonded exciplexes will be presented.