FAZST - Femto-Atto-Zepto-Second Science-Technology: Manipulating Electrons with Lasers

Prof. A. BANDRAUK, Université de Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada

Vendredi, 13 novembre 2009, 16 h 00, Amphi A1, campus Jussieu
Advances in modern laser technology allow for the generation of ultrashort (few cycles) intense (l>10**14 W/cm2) laser pulses. Interaction for such intense pulses with molecules leads to MHOHG, Molecular High Order Harmonic Generation, [1], MATI, Molecular Above Threshold Ionization, [2], through the highly nonlinear nonperturbative response of electrons. The resulting harmonics are in fact the only current source of coherent attosecond (asec) pulses [3]. Since the electron orbit period in the hydrogen atom is 152 asecs, such pulses are the preferred future tools for imaging, visualizing and controlling electron motion in molecules [4]. Numerical solutions of multidimensional molecular Time-Dependent Schroedinger equations, TDSEs, coupled to the photon Maxwell equation on multiprocessor parallel supercomputers are the essential mathematical tools for modelling and simulating the generation of asec pulses [5]. These asec pulses are then used through molecular TDSE simulations to create Molecular Electron-Wavepackets, MEWPs. The generation of MEWPs, the study of their intrinsic properties and their manipulation are therefore the source of a new science - Attosecond Science, i.e., the ultimate control of electrons in matter.

[1]. A.D. Bandrauk, S. Barmaki, G.K. Lagmago, chapt. 5 in "Ultrafast Intense Laser Science", edit K. Yamanouchi et al, vol III, (Springer, Berlin, Tokyo, 2008).
[2]. A.D. Bandrauk, S. Chelkowski, I. Kawata, Phys. Rev. A 67, 013407 (2003).
[3]. A.D. Bandrauk, F. Krausz, A. Starace, New J Phys. 10, 025004 (2008).
[4]. S. Chelkowski, G.L. Yudin, A.D. Bandrauk, J Phys. B 39, S409 (2006)
[5]. E. Lorin, S. Chelkowski, A.D. Bandrauk, New J Phys. 10, 025033 (2008).