VERSION TRACKING. NCIPLOT-2.0 ================================= 1. The code has been re-written in f90. 2. Compatible with all compilers. 3. No limits on the number of input files (wfn or xyz) to upload. 4. Atomic densities are interpolated in a grid. All atoms upto Pu are thus included. 5. The code is parallelized for shared memory systems (openmp). 6. The addition over primitives has been optimized (even for 1 processor), fastening the whole calculation. 7. New keyword ATCUBE allows to define a cube from atomic positions. 8. New keyword FRAGMENTS allows to define fragments in order to select interactions between a limited number of atoms/molecules in the input. 9. New keyword ISORDG allows setting the iso-RDG value on the VMD script. 10. New keyword ELF allows calculation of ELF on a cube. 11. New keyword EXC allows calculation of a cube of the exchange and correlation energy for a (small) collection of functionals.