Laboratoire de Chimie théorique
4 place Jussieu 75252 Paris Cedex
Tour 12-13 Bureau 425
Tel: +33144279662

helene.gerard [@]

Full Professor

After studying at ENS-Lyon and University Claude Bernard- Lyon I (DEA in catalysis and physical chemistry of surfaces), I undertook a Ph.D. at the University Montpellier II under the supervision of Dr. Odile Eisenstein, working on ruthenium-olefine metal complexes. In 2001, after graduation and a post-doctoral period at Indiana University Bloomington under supervision of Pr. Glenn J. Martyna, I was appointed by UPMC in 2001 as Maitre de Conference in LCT. I joined the team of " modeling of system of bioorganic, bioinorganic and organometallic interests", and got involved in projects of theoretical study of chemical reactivity of organometallic and inorganic complexes. I received my Habilitation in 2007 and turned Full Professor in 2009. For more details, download my CV (see left column !).

Research activity

My research activity is focused on the study of the structure, properties and reactivity of organometallic or inorganic complexes in complex media (solvated, in presence of chelating agents, counter-ions, salts etc.). These studies are carried in close collaboration with experimental groups ranging from organic synthesis to nanoparticles.
You can find more information on the "Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry" group webpage.
Here are the details of my last accepted work :

For more details or other examples, see left for links !


  • Interdisciplinary Mathematics - Chemistry project : oscillating reactions (L1)
  • Intramolecular bonding and reactivity (L2)
  • Chemical Kinetics (L2)
  • Numerical Tools for Chemists (M1)