
Submit NCIweb job

What is NCIweb?

NCIweb is a web implementation of the popular NCIplot code. At the moment, NCIweb works with promolecular densities. It provides a representation of the non-covalent interactions of a system based on the reduced density gradient of the electron density. More information on the NCIplot code and the theoretical background can be found here.

What do I need to use NCIweb?

To use NCIweb you simply need a PDB or XYZ structure to upload, on which the analysis will be performed. If everything is fine, you will receive an email with your results, including a simple VMD script for visualization.

For PDB files only, two additional options are available:

  • The clean structure checkbox will selectively remove non-protein fragments from the structure.
  • The add hydrogens checkbox will add hydrogens to the system using OpenBabel.
Using both options, a PDB structure from a data bank can be directly analyzed.

Currently in development!

For comments or requests contact us!